This must be some kind of record. I just won another award! I know I make it sound like there was voting or something. But, no, really, Jean @ Working Momma 247 just awarded me with the Kreativ Blogger Award!

Getting the KBA is a pretty big deal from what I understand. It means you are so cool that you don’t need to spell properly anymore. You’re above that now. Yo ca leav of letter a th en o word an peopl wil stil understan yo. Oar evin speel theengs combpleatly wrung, cuz ur kool lyche thatt. It’s pretty great. But I promise not to use my powers for evil. In fact, I’ll try my hardest to ignore the fact that I have won said powers, and only whip them out when they are really truly needed (for whipping out situations). But before I go forgetting, there are a few of those pesky RULES to contend with.

According to the KBA Legislation, winners must:

  • Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you have posted your award.
  • Share 6 values that are important to you.
  1. freedom – of speech, freedom of press, freedom of choice in any regard such as the freedom to eat cheese and jelly sandwiches on saltine crackers. Whatever.
  2. the value of the American Dollar – my husband says this is very important. That if the value drops something terrible will happen. I don’t know what that is, but it’s kind of important to me that I don’t find out.
  3. honesty – don’t lie to me. If these pants make my butt look fat, tell me. If my butt couldn’t possibly look un-fat, tell me. Then duck.
  4. loyalty – be true to yourself and to me. Don’t tell me you’ll love me forever if you are planning to love Amy instead next week. Just tell me, “I love you for this week. I promise.” And then we’ll be golden.
  5. education and the ability to change ones mind and adapt to new information. Otherwise we’re stuck with a flat Earth and a flat God and a flat chest full of no treasure because nobody bothered to learn how to read a map.
  6. family and children – I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way… Show them all the beauty they possess inside…
  7. I have no idea if all of those things were values, but they are valuable to me, so that counts right?
  • Share 6 things you do not support.
  1. Dead baby jokes. They’re just wrong. They aren’t funny, why did you go there?
  2. Ignorance, hate, racism, shoulder pads. Some things just aren’t okay – maybe your grandma or grandpa did them, but that doesn’t mean they were right. Rise above it.
  3. This message. I do NOT support messages that tell mean vicious things about other people, even if they are true. Tell me about how much you rock and let me make up my own mind.
  4. Lies. Stop lying, stop bending the truth or blindly ignoring it. Tell me my butt looks big and that you want to take over the planet with your VP candidate of choice. Get it over with already!
  5. Naming your children Hippie Camelion Desertra Landace and other stupid names. And if you do give your child a stupid name, be prepared for them to hate you for it. But don’t worry, even if you name them “normal” names like Matthew, Michael, Paul and Josephine they’ll hate you anyway. If your kids don’t hate you at some point, you aren’t doing your job. Or so I heard on tv.
  6. The Anti-Nap Campaign my son has been picketing for. You can chant all you want, buddy, naptime is still happening whether you like it or not. Especially when you don’t like it.

Okay, now the fun part, not that the above spewing of nonsense wasn’t fun, let’s face it, I had a blast, but we all know that’s not why you’re here. You want to know if you’ve won the KBA – if you can spell like an A.H. (I just felt like you should know that AH is my acronym for my favorite swear word which is similar to the one you probably guessed it was, except H stands for Hat) today on your blog, too. Well if you see your name on the following list, congratulations, you’re an AH, I mean Super Awesome Kreativ Blogger Award-Winner Supreme:

  1. Fond of Snape: Just click through her blog for like a millisecond and you’ll understand. She probably already spells creative with a K and no e because she KNOWS. Home of “What is it Wednesday,” she’s blowing my mind on a fairly regular (weekly) basis.
  2. The Adventures of An American Mum Alien: Not content to be simply Wordless, this amazing mum added a twist to an old favorite here in bloggy world and now we have Wordless Wednesday With a Twist which is so much fun you kind of want to squee. And her photography is breathtakingly amazing that you’ll want to spend hours just flipping through her work and going, “awww…” which you’ll be able to do soon when she does the big reveal on her new photography website! Do it!
  3. Before I Forget: Speaking of photographs that will take your breath away, check out Kim’s blog. It’s some kind of amazing, kind of like her blog.
  4. Sgt and Mrs Hubs: Andrea is kind of like Super Woman to me – except without the horrible outfit. She has the world’s most gorgeous hair, adorable kids, another amazing brilliant photographer and she cooks, like homemade stuff, with a cute wee little one on her hip, the whole time while doing a podcast. You want to be her, basically. Just trust me on that.
  5. Funkepunkemonke: Another woman who can do it all. She designs her own clothes and will sell them to you, she’s also a graphic designer, another amazing whiz in the kitchen and her daughters are so beautiful and you know will be just as well rounded and perfect as her.
  6. Red Knows How: Ange, I know you’re like, “Huh, how am I here?” and that’s what I love about you (among other things). But I don’t know anyone who can juggle the crazy like you, do ten million things at once and still look amazing and raise such wonderful children. Who can decide one day to lop off her own hair and look like a hairdresser of the stars did it. You are wonder woman, lady, so grab your award, go buy yourself a cape (or you know, use an old blanket like all Super Moms do) and rock on.

I just want to say how HARD it was for me to compile this list – there are a few people I would have liked to add but either they already got the same damn gosh darned award, or else I already gave you an award last time and I didn’t want to cheat. Or something. Plus the legislation says, “no more than six bloggy buddies shall be awarded in one post.” Sorry.

Isn’t winning awards fun?

5 responses to “Winning Awards Makes Me Go Squeee Awww, But Not Like a Donkey”

  1. momma blogs a lot » Blog Archive » Being Kreativ Makes My Happy, So Does Winning Awards… Avatar

    […] awarded the other Kreativ Blogger Award – not to be confused with the Kreativ Blogger awards I got last month, this one comes from Tasha Via @ Afraid of Falling. The rules for this award are different, too. […]


  2. Patrice Avatar

    LOL! You crack me up!! “It’s such a big deal you are above spelling now!” Too, too funny!! 🙂

    This is a different one than I won, different rules and everything! funny there are 2 of the (sort of) same award!


  3. Andrea Avatar

    Thanks for the lovin!! I think I may just print out what you wrote and tape it on the mirror for when I need a self-esteem boost!! 🙂

    I so appreciate the award – you made my day!!



  4. Tasha Via Avatar

    I am def. not a fan of the ANTI-NAP campaign at this house either!!!


  5. american mum Avatar

    Wow thanks! I really appreciate it. 🙂
