8 Things I Accomplished This Week

It seems to be a “focus on the little things” kind of week. I’m home with a dog recovering from surgery and while it’s going well on the whole, I’m feeling very on guard basically 24/7 and very not getting much done in between.

But Mama Kat wants to know 8 things I accomplished this week and who am I to deprive her of that? So.

  1. I sweet talked my husband into giving me his journal because I liked it, wanted it, had to have it.
  2. I emptied the dishwasher Wednesday morning. Like a boss.
  3. I found the bag of pill pockets in the cupboard so I could trick the dog into taking his pain medicine.
  4. I got my oil changed. Then found out the car needs more repairs soon and only mildly freaked out about it.
  5. I put a tablespoon of guacamole into 48 tiny plastic cups for my daughter’s state fair Tuesday night.
  6. I emptied the dishwasher at least once.
  7. I figured out where the heck I put this month’s book club pick and even started reading the first chapter while waiting for my car to get its oil changed.
  8. I wrote this blog post – totally counts, right?

Clearly I am 100% on top of things here.

What have you accomplished this week?

5 responses to “8 Things I Accomplished This Week”

  1. madamdreamweaver Avatar

    I notice emptying the dishwasher got mentioned twice—you must feel really good about that. I fill the dish washer. Hubby empties it. It’s one of his jobs. That and folding laundry.


    1. Jen E @ mommablogsalot Avatar

      lmao you know I’m tired when I didn’t even notice that.


  2. Kat Avatar

    Hey, that sounds like a productive week to me!! I hope your pup is feeling better!


    1. Jen E @ mommablogsalot Avatar

      He’s doing really well all things told. He’ll be back to 100 in another week when that awful cone comes off.


  3. John Holton Avatar

    Sounds like a productive week!
