
it’s a snuggle into your bathrobe and watch movies with your sick children kind of day.

It’s a lazy day kind of morning here at Chez Momma. The elder child seems to be fighting off the stomach bug that his sister had several days ago. Neither child seems to be having it in a bad way per say, as in I’ve seen worse and I haven’t really had to clean up anything, but he looks so run down and just not himself that I kept him home from school today. The poor kid was trying really hard to convince me that he felt fine and wanted to go to school but he was shivering for no obvious reason (no fever) and just looked miserable. Plus he’s been fighting a bad cough for a week now at least. And he has The Smell.

Moms, do you know what I am talking about here? I swear, I can tell if one of my kids is really & truly sick because they get The Smell. Usually it’s on their breath, this morning it was permeating his entire bedroom. My husband used to think I was crazy, but now even he can detect The Smell that I speak of and is starting to come around to my camp. It’s kind of like when you can tell your cookies are done baking because the smell suddenly fills the room. I could tell MM was sick this morning because his bedroom smells like you should wear a hazmat suit before entering. This kid is sick and staying home. Hopefully it just results in a little extra television time and maybe some crafting if he’s feeling up to it later (Mommy Shorts says all sick kids should do lots of crafting).

Meanwhile I’m donning my comfiest robe, drinking a nice latte and hoping the dog spends a lot of time napping on my feet, his favorite resting spot, and isn’t ape shit crazy energy dog today. I think we all know which one of those is mostly likely to happen though, don’t we? ::sigh::

3 responses to “it’s a snuggle into your bathrobe and watch movies with your sick children kind of day.”

  1. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? Avatar
    Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious?

    The breath…ugh, it’s the worst! But, the snuggling and doing nothing is pretty awesome. I hope they are feeling better.


  2. Kathleen Connors Avatar
    Kathleen Connors

    You are the FIRST person, besides me, who can SMELL when people are sick. Because I don’t have kids, it was always mainly my s/o at the time (boyfriend, now ex-husband etc). I would know if they were going to get really sick because they had the “sick smell”. They always told me I was crazy. (I’ve also had this happen occasionally with clients or other family members). I always called it my “Clair-sniffy-ance” instead of clairvoyance. Glad to know I’m not alone.


    1. Jen E @ mommablogsalot Avatar

      So glad to know I’m not the only one!
