St Pattys Day Project #2: Spring Cookies To Share

speaking of cookies... on 365 Project

After lunch the kids and I made sugar cookies with light green frosting and some pretty, Spring colored sprinkles. Okay, if we’re going to be honest, this wasn’t my shining moment in Baking With the Kids, but they did come out pretty and MM did help with some pouring, frosting and sprinkling in between me yelling at him to get out of my kitchen… Oh well, I tried.

This was one of those projects where I improvised from beginning to end. I’d been hoping to find some kind of “kit” in the store that was all St Patrick’s Day Spiffy without being cut and cook cookies loaded with MSG. I ended up buying sugar cookie mix, frosting and green food coloring (that are probably loaded with MSG, but at least I had to mix my ingredients). Then I thought the sprinkles would look like pretty spring flowers. They are probably more Easter appropriate than Saint Patrick’s Day, but still a fun Spring project and delicious.

Not wanting to have too many sweets in the house, we decided to plate up four cookies and bring them across the hall to some neighbors that we’ve never taken the time to really get to know. I can still remember when our other neighbors did that around Christmas and it was such a clever way to say hello and truly started a great friendship. I decided to take a page from her book and be That Awesome Neighbor. Remind me to do the same thing when we move because it’s such a good idea and I actually know more about our neighbor now from ten minutes chatting than from two years living across the hall from each other! Another reminder to reach out more and say hello to the people you see every day!

Hope you guys are having a fantastic Saint Patrick’s Day! And if you want to steal my “Hello Neighbors” cookie idea – well, DO it! Then come tell me how it went! Let’s start a Cookies to Share revolution!

3 responses to “St Pattys Day Project #2: Spring Cookies To Share”

  1. Krystyn Avatar

    Our neighbors brought us cookies when we first moved in, too.

    I’d say they are cute, and if they are like my kids, they don’t care what type of cookies they are!


  2. Vivienne Avatar

    The cookies are lovely and that is definitely a wonderful thing you just did.


  3. sues2u2 Avatar

    Wonderful idea! Since my nearest neighbor that I don’t know lives about a mile away, I think I’ll pass. But, if we ever get out of hell (oh, sorry. I meant purgatory. No, wait. Maybe land of … I’ll try this another time)

    Your cookies turned out darling though.
