
Baby, It’s Cold Outside

I took MM to the bus stop this morning. Normally my husband does this, but I got stuck with bus stop duty this morning and can I just say, Good Golly Miss Molly, it was cold outside. I may live in Wisconsin, but I absolutely hate being cold and I’m kind of a baby about it.

He insisted he wasn’t cold with all his layers, but momma was freezing in even her warmest coat (I love my Lands End Down Coat btdubs, it is the best jacket I’ve ever owned)!

After the bus picked him up, I may have literally run the few feet back inside, changed back into my bathrobe and slippers and cuddled down for a warm breakfast until the heat returned to my body. I may still be wearing the bathrobe, shhh don’t judge.

This little cutie was completely unaffected by the whole ordeal. She spent those five minutes watching a movie on the couch, dressed to the nines in a cute purple shirt and pink skirt. Leggings not yet required as we have yet to leave the house officially today. I think this is the perfect today to hide indoors as long as possible, don’t you?

2 responses to “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”

  1. Tracy @ The UnCoordinated Mommy Avatar
    Tracy @ The UnCoordinated Mommy

    Oh my geeze!!! That is a lot of snow!!!! I can’t even imagine!!


  2. noelle Avatar

    yes, I see it is a bit cold up there…
    wow…. I would love cold… not ICE , but cold would be fun…
    love the pics, they are getting so big (and I love looking at MM in that hat!)
