10 Things I Was Doing When I Wasn’t Here

Guys, I’m like really bad at keeping up with this poor blog these days. I’m going to go out on a limb and blame homeschooling for basically consuming my life. We could also talk about the changing landscape of the blogiverse and the changing times of this bizarre decade, but that feels like a depressing topic so let’s just catch up instead.

Early this school year we made these ransom note style poems. We spent a week writing down all the words we could think of and then found an image online and used those words to make a poem, kind of like magnetic poetry. This was mine. Apparently I’m the only one who likes it. 🤣
I’ve been continuing to paint with my watercolors. I’m still loving Let’s Make Art but I’ve also been doing tutorials by De Winton Paper Company that are more small projects and nice for when I don’t have an hour to paint. This was the Valentine I made for my husband.
Since Christmas I’ve been playing a lot more with my ukulele. My in laws have a magical ability to encourage music playing mostly just because they love it and lead by example. I think I have a similar effect on reading in our house. Either way, everyone has been playing their instruments more, I got a new music book and a pretty strap and have been plugging away at my lessons, especially in January when the whole house was bed ridden at one point or another.
Which brings me to this pic of the superb care my husband took of me in early January when I finally. Got. COVID. For. The. First. Time. Ever. While my symptoms weren’t terrible, I have to say, I’m not a fan. I’m glad for all my boosters so that I mostly only had boredom to complain about. A week later the boys got it and I got to retire my breakfast tray, go back to teaching the tween (who never got it at all somehow) and play nursemaid in return.
Luckily I recovered in time to go to my first ever Burns Night where we legitimately spent the night wearing plaid, eating haggis, and fangirling over Robert Burns, bagpipes, and Scottish dancing. It was awesome.
I also went to the Van Gogh experience which was so cool. It’s like a museum with no walking, everything is displayed on a projector as a slideshow kind of but very artistically done and I learned a lot about Van Gogh that I didn’t know, saw paintings I never would have known were his and the gift shop was awesome.
I’ve always wanted to try hot yoga and this fall I finally got a discounted trial and checked it out and somehow roped my husband into going with me and somehow we both loved it and have been going semi regularly ever since, usually following it up with a late night sushi dinner in the same plaza. It’s the highlight of my week frankly. The classes we do are yin yoga which is restorative poses held for about 5 minutes, mostly laying on the mat, with a focus on stretching and breath. If I tell you it’s awesome will you take away my adjective card?
No, I didn’t become a wood nymph, sadly. But while I was bed ridden I did let one of those AI filters create ridiculous pictures that in theory look like me and guys this one kind of does look like me. Maybe I am a wood nymph?
At Christmas I made this ornament for my tree based on a picture from the Bloggess on Twitter. I didn’t follow any instructions so I won’t give you any either. I’m pretty sure you can figure it out.
Lastly and clearly not in order 🤣 here’s a picture from a family field trip we took in the early fall to some Indian mounds a couple hours away, after reading about them in our homeschool curriculum.

So now you are more or less caught up until my next apology post. What have you been up to? Let me know in the comments section!

One response to “10 Things I Was Doing When I Wasn’t Here”

  1. Kate Unger Avatar
    Kate Unger

    Hi. Welcome back! I love your watercolor. So pretty!!
