It’s time for another Aloha Friday, the day that you take it easy and look forward to the weekend, in Hawaii and blog land anyway. As you should know by now, over at An Island Life, Kailani decided that on Fridays she would take it easy on posting and ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life’s blog. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

Last night I was doing my WiiFit fitness test and it was all, “You have a WiiFit age of 28, that’s just 2 years older than your actual age! Blah blah blah…” and I was like, “Huh, I must have entered my birthday into this wrong, because it should be 3 years…” Except I was wrong. Because I’m 26, not 25. Now, to be fair, I just turned 26 in December, so it hasn’t been that long, but I don’t mean, “I forgot I just had a birthday,” I mean that I felt with conviction that I was 25 and turning 26 THIS December. I was sure of it. I had to do the math to convince myself.

So like any smart momma, I called my husband and regaled him with this story, ending it with, “So you should pick up a birthday cake on your way home, because we clearly need to celebrate.” And then he came home without the cake and I was all, “Where’s my birthday cake?” and he was like, “I thought you were kidding.” And I was like, “You clearly don’t know me very well.” Then after dinner he ran out to the car to get his gloves from the car and I’m thinking, “Seriously? Your gloves? Can’t they stay in the car? I want to open up Wii Rockband now…” But then he came back WITH the birthday cake which he clearly had bought but then either forgot somehow or very cleverly left outside just so he could surprise me even though it had been my idea and the cake was really good, like way nicer than I was thinking when I asked him to buy me a cake at the last minute. So he clearly knows me VERY well and is the most awesome husband in the universe and that’s the end of my story.

So my Aloha Friday question(s) for this week (because when I grow up I want to be just like Jenni Jiggety or Daily Mish Mash) are:

  1. Have you ever forgotten how old you were? For like more than 5 minutes? (Because I’ve been carrying this fantasy of being a year younger since at least my birthday and it’s possible I thought I was 24 before that… how long has this been going on?)
  2. Do you think this can be blamed on my pregnant brain OR is it a sign I’m getting olllllld OR [insert your own excuse for my forgetfulness here].
  3. What is the sweetest thing your husband (or boyfriend – or previous boyfriend or husband if you are currently single) has done for you?
  4. Do you like surprises? Do you like planning them? What’s the best surprise you’ve given or gotten?

20 responses to “Aloha Friday: What’s My Age Again?”

  1. Aloha Friday: When Did You Start? « mommablogsalot Avatar

    […] as well justified as an “I forgot my birthday” cake – or maybe just too soon after the last cake (and admittedly I might have been pushing it when I asked for blogiversary cake for breakfast this […]


  2. Do You Think I Can Get Another Birthday Cake Out Of This? « mommablogsalot Avatar

    […] You Think I Can Get Another Birthday Cake Out Of This? 12 03 2009 Remember when I forgot how old I was? There I was, doing my body test on WiiFit when all of a sudden, like a ton of bricks fell on me […]


  3. Kailani Avatar

    I can never remember how old I am. Anytime someone asks me, I have to think about what year we’re in now and count backwards. 🙂


  4. KMBFBAG: Week Five « mommablogsalot Avatar

    […] proud but then I somehow missed getting in a workout yesterday in between eating my third slice of UnBirthday cake this week and other delicious indulgences. And then today I sprained my foot. So that might ruin my […]


  5. Tara Avatar

    I do forget my age.. I think its because the older you get..the less likely you are asked the question ..therefore you don’t think about it LOL I forget my husbands age too LOL Everything changes after you have children EVERYTHING lol


  6. vivienne Avatar

    I actually struggle to remember what my real age is! My mind is deteriorating early. My brain has been a permanent loss since childbirth, so yes I would blame it on that.


  7. Jenni Jiggety Avatar

    I forget how old I am…but I am pretty sure it is on purpose…in your case it is probably the preggo brain though because you are YOUNG and have no reason to forget your age on purpose.

    Any my husband suprised me with my Keurig coffee maker! I loooove surprises!


  8. TheAngelForever Avatar

    Sad to say there have definitely been times that I forget my brain. I think it is partly denial that I am really an adult and getting older. Neh, probably not your pregnant brain, but Mommy brain in general 😉 Hubby cooks dinner for us most nights – that is sweet to me. I tend to like surprising people more than being surprised. Not into being an emotional mess and surprises can do that to me.


  9. Jen@OurDailyBigTop Avatar

    Yes, I forget how old I am b/c I usually group myself with my friends who have spring birthdays and mine is in December so I’m actually making myself older than I really am! Silly me. My husband does sweet things all the time – he is such a helpful husband and dad. I also don’t like surprises…that’s the control freak in me.


  10. Baba Avatar

    I think when birthday are no so important to you anymore, we tend to forget our age as well. It’s just part of growing up. It’s when you start to forget other things that you have to worry.


  11. Shelley K Avatar

    Sweetie, you are still YOUNG…wait until you are MY AGE!! LOL!! I always forget how old I am. I have to go..ok..what is the year…and I was born in WHAT year? So it is 2009 and subtract…and that is how I figure out how old I am at whatever date in time because I can NEVER remember…I am FOREVER 25 (ahem!!) and that was quite a while ago!! but that is how old I FEEL!!…or at least 35 (that is when I had my stroke…maybe that is why I forget??)


  12. Nina Avatar

    That was nice he got the cake. Can’t say I have forgotten my age. Sometimes I wish I could but I haven’t. I would blame it on pregnant brain for sure.

    He be glad the Wii fit gave you the age it did. I am 34 and the darn thing gave me an age of 52 the first time I tested on it. I have no cordination so I blame it on that but still ticked me off.


  13. Jen @ mommablogsalot Avatar

    @ Becca’s Buzz: My father did the same thing for a LONG time, saying he was 17 because it was the last age he vividly remembered turning. After awhile he bumped it up to 21 and it’s only been in the last year or two that he’s suddenly declaring his real age. Kinda funny.


  14. Linda @ My Trendy Tykes Avatar

    Yep, sometimes I have to sit there and THINK for a minute but it eventually comes to me. LOL!

    Blame it on being pregnant…..I did that a lot but now I have to come up with other excuses.

    Sweetest thing?? Hmmm it’s the little things that GET ME GOING (hee hee) I mean seriously, he could just bring me home a cheeseburger from Sonic OUT OF THE BLUE and I would be happy!



  15. BeccA's Buzz Avatar

    Huh, I didn’t want to face being older than 25, so I literally said I was 25 for years! It was a sort of inside joke really but I finally made it to 35 and I have a feeling I’ll be here for a while. 🙂 I always said, “Hey, if you’re going to lie about your age….pick one and stick with it!”


  16. Sues2u2 Avatar

    I habitually age myself. Not when I turned 40 though. I Remembered that one!

    Yes, pregnancy is the cause of many mothers losing it!

    Hubby let me buy my Kitchen Aid Pro 6qt mixer. I LOVE that thing!

    I love great surprises (Dan did a great one on you!). Planning them are my favorite.


  17. Meg Avatar

    I totally forgot how old I was the other day! Granted my birthday was only Feb 23rd so it wasn’t that long ago. I was talking to someone and I was like “I’m 22” and then a day later I was thinking about it and I’M NOT 22! I’m 23 so I had to write to the person and tell them that I’m sorry for lying I’m really 23.


  18. Jennifer Avatar

    Yes when I was 29 I told everyone I was 30 because I seriously thought I was. So when I did really turn thirty it was a let down.

    Having children has slowed my memory down.

    My husband does something sweet every day.

    No, I am not a surprise type of person.


  19. Jen Avatar

    For whatever reason, I always forget how old I am when it is an odd birthday. Not sure why. I’m sure next year I’ll be purposefully forgetting since I’m turning 35-ugh!! Probably a sign of old age to forget. 🙂

    Ok, so the other questions are the same answer. Best surprise that I’ve ever received was from my husband–the pumpkin corsage. I blogged about it a few months ago.

    Have a great day!


  20. A Maui Blog Avatar

    sweetest thing: hubby agreed to have my parents live with us (even for a little while) long story but that thing stood out when I read your questions 🙂
