What Makes You Happy?

Melissa @ The Inspired Room is giving away a $100 gift certificate that can be used towards any of the items in the Life Is Full collection at DaySpring. All you have to do to enter is write a post about 20 little things which make you happy. Which sounds easy, but I’m going to guess it will be harder than I think and then maybe miraculously easy? Let’s see…

20 Things That Make Me Happy…

  1. Sitting down to read a good book.
  2. Having a healthy, normal pregnancy with healthy, normal weight gain!
  3. Watching my son grow and learn new things.
  4. His laughter, his jokes, his silliness…
  5. 100 calorie lattes made by my very dear husband
  6. Taking long walks with husband and son (and getting in shape while we do it!)
  7. When the stains come out easily – gotta love Spray ‘n’ Wash!
  8. Indulging in a chai tea latte or frappucino – especially the ones at Starbucks – yum!
  9. Flowers & plants finally in bloom after a harsh winter!
  10. Watching my son begin to learn how to spell words! Amazing!
  11. Having good friends over for dinner and / or games.
  12. Capturing beautiful and memorable moments with pictures
  13. When old clothes fit again!
  14. Decluttering our apartment finally – seeing counter space that has been long hidden!
  15. Change, even the unexpected and unplanned changes, which lead to new, exciting adventures in life.
  16. John Mayer’s music. You know, all of it.
  17. Baking cookies, the smell filling the kitchen, the end result delicious.
  18. New episodes of our favorite tv shows
  19. The end of jacket season!
  20. The beginning of flip flop season!

Your turn. What makes you happy? Make sure you tell Melissa all about it!

3 responses to “What Makes You Happy?”

  1. julie size Avatar

    I have not been able to sit and enjoy blogs for a long time…because of my sugery and the meds. I am playing catch up now!

    Humm – what makes me happy…in just about everything something good can be found. Right now though – I am concentrating on healing!


  2. jen@ourdailybigtop Avatar

    Great list. I’m going to join in. Thanks for letting me know about the contest. I could use a bit of happy with all the rain we’ve been getting.


  3. meg Avatar

    I had no idea there was a contest going on but last Tuesday I made this exact same post! How funny is that! I like your list.
