summer: poetry in motion


summer looks like wet beach towels, hung to dry

sand covered feet, salty sweet air, water slides

blisters from long walks at the amusement park

sticky faces from too much birthday cake

there’s no such thing as too much birthday cake

exploring new places and visiting old favorites

posing with stone statues that know us well

curling up with a good book, pitching an old tent

bright blooms and loud booms that bring

an explosion of color

long days on the road, lazy mornings in bed

big accomplishments, small victories

bonfires and golden brown marshmallows

family game night and movie marathons

life in excess is the motto of summer


Find the prompts here.

4 responses to “summer: poetry in motion”

  1. kat Avatar

    Oh man, you’re making want a redo! Summer is the best!


  2. Tondra Denise Avatar

    We have three summer birthdays in our family of four, so I MUST agree… there’s no such thing as too much birthday cake!!!


  3. Kate @ Mom's Radius Avatar

    Love it! I’m so impressed with your poetic ability. It sounds like you had a great summer. I love your picture collage. 🙂
